Your words create your world and what you tell yourself, becomes the truth. 

I’d be willing to trade you all the pumpkin spice I’ll consume this fall (albeit basic) on the bet that you’ve, at some time or another, criticized and pulled yourself apart? Yeah? 

Same girl, same. 

This world, the definition of success, what 'good' looks like, the Pinterest perfect house, and let's not get started on the social media comparison wheel, can be enough to send anyone on a negative spiral. Thankfully, there’s a way we can begin to change that narrative. There are practical steps that we can take to start training our brain to resort to a positive way of thinking about ourselves instead of habitually resorting to the inner critique. 

Are you ready? 

Welcome the little tool box of encouragement called, affirmations.

Don’t let the word ‘affirmations’ freak you out or lead you to believe that you’ll have to stand in front of the mirror for a set amount of time everyday and repeatedly recite to yourself over and over a phrase. Sure you can do that if your heart so desires, but there are other ways to incorporate this kind of positive encouragement into your life. 

Simply put, affirmations are pep talks, positive and encouraging statements that we can use to train our brain to focus on the good, to speak life into those dreams and strengths that each of us carry within us. There is so much power in what we think and speak over our lives. Affirmations are a reminder and tool to help us change the narrative, when the world and outside circumstances make us feel defeated or when we just need a little extra pep put back in our step. This kind of encouragement can help remind us of what is true, and while they are powerful and healthy for adults, they can also be a powerful tool for our children. 

This collection was birthed from daily practices of gratitude, affirmations and prayer that has carried and sustained me throughout the challenging seasons in my own life. There have been times when others wanted to write a narrative over my life, but I had to find the strength within and hang on to the beliefs that I knew to be true.  

When designing this I wanted it to be something that could be purchased and passed on as a gift, but also used as a practical tool to cultivate a sense of worth, confidence and self-esteem back into the lives of others.

I’m a believer that, with God, we can overcome anything and I was hard pressed to find affirmations that were paired with scripture. I wanted something that mothers could use during those long days and sleepless nights, to remind them that they have everything that they need to be a great mother to their child. I wanted something that I could use to equip my children with confidence as they walk into the school doors and go about their day. I also wanted a fun way for them to start to memorize God’s word and recall everything that God has created them to be. 

Our affirmation collections both for children and for mothers, come in a faith-based edition and a general motivational edition. 

Our faith-based collection pairs with scriptures to connect your inner dialogue with God and remind you of His promises and power. It’s also a tool to help keep you focused on your identity in Christ. 

Our motivational packs are positive thoughts and reminders to reassure you of the strengths inside each and every one of us. It’s a tool to help switch the negative thinking into a positive reminder about whatever it is that you’re trying to get through or accomplish. 

Here are a few easy tricks to incorporate them into your daily routine. 

  • Keep them by your coffee pot, as your cup brews read through them
  • Choose one a week to focus on and display it somewhere that you’ll see it, maybe a night stand or on your bathroom mirror
  • Use it as part of your morning journaling time
  • Get them out and recite them with your littles on your school run
  • Slip them into lunch boxes or backpacks as encouraging reminders to your children.. 
  • For younger children, these beautifully illustrated cards make a great learning tool for animal  and colour recognition.

Also, in case no one has told you lately, you matter, you’re worth it and you have something to bring to this world that only you can bring. 

I’m in your corner, 

XO, Tara Illy

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